Moto style
As you start leaning into the turn, take your inside foot off the pedal. We’re not sticking the foot inward. We’re extending it forward. This intentionally shifts weight onto the handlebars and front tire.
As the bike starts leaning, start loading the outside pedal and driving your inside foot toward your front hub. Yes, that far forward.
Strive to make all of the movements — leaning the bike, loading the pedal and driving the foot — smooth and integrated. Each is better when all are great.
When you pass through the belly of the turn, you should pass through a moment of maximum lean, maximum outside pedal load and maximum foot forwardness. This will generate lots of carving force and tons of traction — especially in the front tire. When you do this well, your front tire will not wash out. Your back tire might drift, but that’s cool.
As you sweep through the turn, stand the bike up, unload the outside foot and find the inside pedal. Sprint!
Kevin is doing so many things well. 1) Pre-loading so heavy the bike gets airborne. 2) Countersteering in the air. 3) Extending his foot exactly as he loads the turn. 4) Getting so heavy the bike just rails. He doesn’t drift until he tries to make the 90 into a 180. Bad ass.
Yes, I know this transfers weight onto the handlebars. It’s an exception to the rule.
Another flavor:
Skim your foot. This shifts weight forward and gives you a sense of security. And it looks cool.
A younger me drives rage into the front tire while skimming the foot and slightly drifting the rear tire. This was a good moment.
No one does it like Chris Kovarik: